miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010


Here is your Today's Capricorn Horoscope
If you wake this morning with the urge to take over a small country, don't call a therapist. Call your second-in-command, and get your army together. For the next month, you'll be absolutely unbeatable. Why stop yourself?
Compatibility: Cancer
Mood: Fearless
Lucky Color: Sky Blue

Lucky Number: 87
Lucky Time of Day: 7pm

Yes,I'm fearless.I put that bitch down.

ps:ok,poate exagerez,nu sunt atat de rea:))daaaaar.i'am inchis gura.Mi'am impus punctul de vedere.Eu am coordonat totul,eu mi-am sacrificat cel mai mult timp.

4 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

nu am inteles nimic..poti fi mai explicita?

Anonim spunea...

si tot din categoria neintelese..zicere pt Scorpion:
Tension today is quite possible - you may feel that others are (temporarily) not supporting you or your plans. You may also be feeling off-center and a tad unyielding! Communication problems might seem to set you back, but if you are patient and really think about it, they might also allow you more time to finish up something that needs more attention.

Kali spunea...

Nu pot fi mai explicita.Nu imi place sa nu stiu cu cine vorbesc.
Te cunosc personal?
Iti raspund la o intrebare daca si tu imi raspunzi la una.
Macar vorbeste cu mine pe chat.Il pune iar pe blog.Diseara la 9.
Stiu ca e ciudat ce fac,dar mi se pare foarte frustrant sa nu stiu cine esti.

Anonim spunea...

nici eu nu stiu cine esti..dar mie imi face placere...

cu chat-ul mai greu..prefer cometariile.