duminică, 17 aprilie 2011

In nopti ca astea..

In nopti ca asta ma simt singura.Si simt ca am nevoie de cineva langa mine.De cineva care sa ma ia in brate.O prietena,un prieten,nu conteaza.Dar sa fie o alta persoana langa mine.Sa nu mai fiu doar eu in camera.Sa nu aud doar muzica pe care stiu ca nu am sa o inchid decat inainte sa ma culc,pentru ca altfel..pentru ca altfel chiar ca raman singura.

Far far, there's this little girl
She was praying for something to happen to her
Everyday she writes words and more words 
Just to speak out the thoughts that keep floating inside
And she's strong when the dreams come cos' they
Take her, cover her, they are all over
The reality looks far now, but don't go

How can you stay outside?
There's a beautiful mess inside
How can you stay outside?
There's a beautiful mess inside
Oh oh oh oh

Far far, there's this little girl
She was praying for something good to happen to her
From time to time there're colors and shapes
Dazeling her eyes, tickeling her hands
They invent her a new world with 
Oil skies and aquarel rivers
But don't you run away already 
Please don't go oh oh

How can you stay outside?
There's a beautiful mess inside
How an you stay outside?
There's a beautiful mess inside
Take a deep breath and dive
There's a beautiful mess inside
How can you stay outside?
There's a beautiful mess
Beautiful mess inside

Oh beautiful, beautiful

Far far there's this little girl
She was praying for something big to happen to her
Every night she ears beautiful strange music
It's everywhere there's nowhere to hide
But if it fades she begs 
"Oh lord don't take it from me, don't take it yourselves"

I guess i'll have to give it birth
To give it birth
I guess, i guess, i guess i have to give it birth
I guess i have to, have to give it birth
There's a beautiful mess inside and it's everywhere

So shake it yourself now deep inside
Deeper than you ever dared
Deeper than you ever dared
There's a beautiful mess inside
Beautiful mess inside 


Un comentariu:

Moni spunea...

Cunosc sentimentul! :) >:D< Hugs from me:)